Be smart and safe with your new Spartan Rope products.
ASSUMPTION OF RISK: YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND that: (a) VEHICLE RECOVERY USING SPARTAN ROPE (PNW AUTO INDUSTRIES LLC) IS AN ACTIVITY THAT INVOLVES RISK AND DANGER of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis, and death ("Risks"); (b) these Risks and dangers may result from your own actions or inactions, the actions or inactions of others participating in vehicle recovery activities, or the conditions under which the recovery occurs; (c) there may be additional risks and potential social and economic losses that are either unknown to you or not readily foreseeable at this time; and (d) YOU FULLY ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSSES, INJURIES, COSTS, AND DAMAGES that you incur or may incur as a result of using SPARTAN ROPE and PNW AUTO INDUSTRIES LLC products.